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Natural Treatments for Insomnia


Remedies for insomnia abound in the market with both natural and pharmaceutical competing for sales.  When people take sleeping pills, it usually comes with unwanted side effects like feeling drowsy in the daytime, falling asleep while driving, sleep-eating, diarrhea, and others.  Another negative effect of using pharmaceutical medication is its addicting effect, and because of constant intake, its effectiveness will weaken in the long run.  What would be a better choice that natural sleep aids that are not so expensive and safe to take in.


Three very helpful natural sleep aids are the following: valerian, melatonin, and aromatherapy.   When people take valerian, which is a herb very popular in Europe, the body and the mind and put in a state of calm and relaxation.  You can purchase valerian capsule, tea or extract. If you want to learn more about insomnia, you can visit


Melatonin is another high potency natural sleep aid.   Our body is the natural source of this substance called melatonin which controls your sleep and wake cycle.   The body produces melatonin at night when another hormone called serotonin is produced by the brain and is converted to melatonin. Melatonin can also be taken in tablet form as a natural supplement. There are also best sleep sound machines that can help in your sleep.


Another remedy for insomnia which is natural is called aromatherapy.  When we smell positive smalls, our mood is enhanced and gives us a feeling of relaxation.  Aroma is said to affect the brain which in turn impacts our moods and behavior, which can cause us to either be drowsy or awake.  It is not surprising then that this natural and best white noise machine of aromatherapy is very helpful, and it can come in many scents like lavender and chamomile.


It is supported by several studies that the scent of lavender has a sedative effect on people.  Lavender scent is highly potent because it results in longer sleeping time, deeper sleep which energizes a person.  Because it works fast, aromatherapy is one of the most potent sleep aid that one can use to overcome insomnia.  There is a quick emission of aromas that are instantly smelled by a person.  And once smelled, it immediately calms the body.  We can consider aromatherapy as a high potency sleep aid which acts instantaneously.


Health and beauty stores are the places where you can purchase these essential oils that will help remedy your insomnia. There are a lot of calming scents available in these stores like lavender, rose, and chamomile.


The body, working properly, naturally causes it to sleep.  When the body cannot produce sleep that it naturally would, then the first alternative would be to look for a natural remedy for it.  Make sure that the remedy you will choose is something that is highly potent but a natural sleep aid.

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